Lisa Tex

brand development

Two Brands to do

“Brand development of two brands for the client Lisa Tex” – that was our task in this project. In short, it was about generating a unique name and creating an identity for the brands in the two sectors of women’s underwear & outerwear and women’s jackets.


What do the products stand for? Which line do the articles serve? Which target group are we addressing?


Women’s underwear and outerwear: Biancha. Very feminine name, international character alluding to the name Bianca and derived from the term Biancheria (Italian for underwear).

Women’s jackets: Royals Wear. Positioning in the mid-price segment and addressing a target group that likes jackets that are stylish.

Style guides

Brand usage guidelines defined at all levels and in cooperation with all service providers and suppliers.

For the sake of simplicity, we mainly use the masculine form of language, but include all groups of people (m, f, d) equally.