
A bit of marketing, that’s quickly done, right? In fact, it takes as much know-how as time to create a successful campaign. Not to mention follow-up tasks like monitoring and optimization – a campaign is less of a sprint and more of a marathon. We could be your external marketing department – because that’s exactly our specialty: strategy, concept, design, text, online & offline marketing with contractual or flexible agreements for brands and companies.


A bit of marketing, that’s quickly done, right? In fact, it takes as much know-how as time to create a successful campaign. Not to mention follow-up tasks like monitoring and optimization – a campaign is less of a sprint and more of a marathon. We could be your external marketing department – because that’s exactly our specialty: strategy, concept, design, text, online & offline marketing with contractual or flexible agreements for brands and companies.

external marketing

Continuity and responsibility

Companies employ specialists in various fields. In marketing, decision-makers recognize the potential of their own brand presence as soon as they decide to collaborate with professionals. The advantages of an external marketing agency lie not only in professionalism and the ability to think outside the box – it’s also about time management, knowing new trends, responding to them, and meeting the target audience where they are. At ARTKURAT, we are specifically oriented towards you as a customer because we feel responsible for your success.

Why outsource

Few things evolve as rapidly as the digital world. To stay ahead, continuous development and a comprehensive understanding of all the tricks, tips, and the bigger picture are necessary.

If digital marketing is not the core competency of your company, maintaining an internal department causes disproportionately high effort and tends to develop tunnel vision.

Fresh ideas come from the.outside, not from within your own four walls. If you want to conduct professional marketing, get a dedicated marketing team on your side – outsourcing puts you at the top and leaves nothing to chance.

Focus! The advantages of an external marketing department

Growing businesses do well to let energy flow into the daily business and dedicate all power to the core activities. Establishing and briefing a marketing team on the side can be counterproductive and, in the worst case, even lead to negative performance. If an in-house marketing department makes sense later on, we support step by step in creating a good workflow and then gradually disengage. This way, you benefit from valuable aspects like structural setup, support, controlling , and much more. Deal?

Clients who trust us

Feel free to contact us for a consultation

ARTKURAT® Owner Benjamin Sen - Deine Marketingagentur

Contact us now for an initial consultation!

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    *Mandatory field